Does the Church need Pastors or “Leaders”?

2022-04-09T10:05:49-06:00Categories: Articles|Tags: , , |

"Leadership" seems like a buzz word among Christians these days. Between the newness of the study of "leadership,"[1] and the fact that there is nothing inherently Christian about "leadership," some Christians express concern that the emphasis on leadership makes churches unknowingly bring secular business theories (by which they mean anti-Christian theories) into the church. One might also argue that the Bible talks more about "pastors" than "leaders" or "leadership." In actual fact, however, in most English translations of the Bible, the word "leader" in its various forms occurs many times, whereas the word "pastor" is only found once (Ephesians 4:11). Yeah... [...]

Farewell Jackson

2024-07-12T12:15:19-06:00Categories: Articles|Tags: |

It's hard to say goodbye. As the demolition of our former building has begun, it stirs a lot of emotions. Sadness mixed with thankfulness! Here is the last look at 1303 Jackson Ave as we knew it. You can see photos on our Facebook page - and if you have pics or memories to share from your time with us - we'd love to hear from you there. View on Facebook [...]

What Have You Got to Lose?

2024-07-12T12:01:08-06:00Categories: Articles|Tags: , , |

Christian education is more than it used to be. In the olden days – like 20 years ago 😊 – Christians routinely spent a year or more at Bible college after high school. Nowadays, that's become a lot less common. On the one hand, there's been increasing pressure felt to get on with studies that lead directly into the workplace. On the other hand, however, research shows repeatedly that students who take Christian higher education after high school are significantly more likely to keep their Christian faith and to stay engaged in the church.1 Why is Christian higher education [...]

Ministry Burnout

2023-05-29T21:40:11-06:00Categories: Articles|Tags: , |

I've spent a considerable amount of time this past fall visiting with pastors and ministry leaders throughout our constituencies. My friends, there's trouble. When Barna released stats earlier this year that 30% of clergy are likely to leave ministry before this pandemic is over, I confess, I was skeptical. I thought it was an alarmist overstatement. "Maybe in America," I said. "Not here." After engaging with ministry leaders in my limited circles in the past few weeks, I not only became a believer in those stats but I began to say that I fear they might be about 10% low. [...]

Dear Ministry Leaders

2021-10-29T16:20:23-06:00Categories: Articles|Tags: , |

Two years ago, who'd have imagined we'd be in our situation today? It's been a tough road, an uphill battle. As ministers, we've taken some hits. We've seen casualties as congregations have divided and as colleagues have stepped out of ministry. We're weary and we're increasingly wary of every supposed signal that this season might be ending. I get it. I'm tired and I'd be lying to say this season hasn't taken its toll on me. But despite my weariness, I'm optimistic about the future of the church. And I'm convinced more than ever that YOU matter. Why am I so [...]

The Coming Leadership Crisis

2023-06-05T14:44:35-06:00Categories: Articles|Tags: , |

DID YOU KNOW... A majority of Canadian clergy are quickly approaching retirement and up to 30% are projected to leave ministry before the COVID crisis is done? WE NEED YOUR HELP Will you help us raise $494,000.00 to expand our reach for leadership training through technology? Will you become a regular supporter to subsidize a new generation of leaders? Let me ask you – would you relocate your young family 2,271 KM across Canada from your home city of almost 403,000 people to serve at a small, prairie church in a town of [...]

The ‘None and Done’ Opportunity

2021-11-08T13:20:04-06:00Categories: Articles|Tags: , |

We all know that COVID has had an effect on the body of believers and our churches, but certainly there are other challenges that existed well beforehand.One such being the growing group of people in our world who are 'none and done' with the faith. Increasingly we see those who never have or no longer profess faith in God.How can the church reach out to this post-Christian generation?As we take inventory and consider what is essential to our faith, it really is a beautiful invitation to go back to our basics, back to our first love, back to our calling - [...]

What if Zebedee Said, “No”?

2021-11-08T13:20:10-06:00Categories: Articles|Tags: |

Lately, I find myself thinking about Zebedee. A minor New Testament character, Zebedee appears only when James and John abandon him and his hired hands on his fishing boat as they leave to follow Jesus (Mark 1:19-20). Zebedee never shows up again, though his name recurs repeatedly in association both with James and John and with their mother, his wife, Salome (Mark 15:40). As a Roman-era Jewish patriarch, Zebedee's authority over his family was absolute. Additionally, as an employer of others Zebedee likely had greater means, status, and influence than many in his trade. So when James and John respond [...]

In Reach

2023-02-08T14:44:55-06:00Categories: Articles|Tags: |

Do you find yourself stepping in to serve, leading in front of or behind the scenes, passionate to use your gifts and talents to serve the Kingdom of God? Service and a commitment to grow in the knowledge of grace is a lifelong endeavor for followers of Christ. Christian higher education is an excellent tool to help us steward our lives well. Yet it often feels out of reach. Have you considered taking a course? A program? It's not always possible to pursue an exclusively ministerial career path, interrupt work, switch fields, or move to a new [...]

Caring for Our Kids

2023-03-08T15:20:05-06:00Categories: Articles|Tags: , , |

Working with youth and young kids is a huge privilege as well as an increasingly challenging task. Pastors and children's ministry leaders have a lot on their plates these days, and many feel ill-equipped to effectively address the needs of the young people they minister to, particularly in the area of mental health. Mental health challenges affect everyone, and young people are hardly exempt. According to Canada's Centre for Addiction and Mental Health: 70% of mental health problems have their onset during childhood or adolescence.1 Young people aged 15 to 24 are more likely to experience mental illness and/or substance [...]

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