Throughout our 80+ years, Horizon’s influence has touched the lives of countless millions in service to God’s Kingdom.

Horizon succeeds because of partners like YOU.

Partner with Us

Our graduates actively advance God’s Kingdom all over the world – from establishing orphanages in Peru to working with Winnipeg’s disadvantaged, from pastoring churches, small and large, to serving in the public and private sectors. The Apostle Paul depended on the financial partnership of his congregations to advance his gospel. In the same way, Horizon depends on financial partnership from people like YOU today. We welcome and value your support.

This is your invitation to participate in Horizon’s mission to advance God’s Kingdom by preparing competent Christian leaders for Spirit-empowered life and ministry.

Give Online

Giving online is convenient and secure. All you need is a credit card or PayPal account.

More easy ways to give

Call Us

Make a donation over the phone

We'll set it up

You can use your credit card to make a donation or you can set up pre-authorized payments from your bank account. Call our office at 306-374-6655 or toll-free at 1-877-374-6655.

Send a Cheque

Send a gift in the mail

Write a cheque out to

Horizon College & Seminary and mail to:
Horizon College & Seminary
604 Webster Street
Saskatoon, SK S7N 3P9

Send an e-Transfer

Make a donation from your bank's website

E-Transfer Us

Email money transfers are simple and secure. Please send the e-transfer to the email address:
Visit your bank’s website to get started.

Why Sponsor Horizon?

You’ll make an enduring Kingdom impact.

At the heart of every effective cause, ministry, or outreach is a leader who leads it. Horizon prepares competent Christian leaders who are advancing God’s Kingdom in every conceivable arena – through Christian ministries, justice movements, and social care, in the church, the parachurch, and the marketplace, both locally and globally. These leaders make an impact that lasts for generations. Your support makes that enduring impact possible.

You’ll get connected with Horizon’s network

Horizon is a hub for Saskatoon and area churches and is an official partner with the Christian & Missionary Alliance, the Church of God in Western Canada, the Mennonite Brethren, and the Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada, as well as unofficially connected with multiple other churches and denominations. This networks Horizon with thousands of like-minded believers on the prairies and beyond who will see and appreciate your sponsorship.

More Giving Initiatives

Triple Your Donation

Horizon is thrilled to be one of the charities recognized through BarterPay’s charitable foundation. The BarterPay Foundation matches every dollar Horizon purchases at a ratio of 3:1. This means when we purchase $1,000 of credit, the foundation matches it with $3,000. BarterPay offers a growing number of goods and services essential to Horizon’s operation which saves us money and frees up cash flow. Donate today and triple your investment!

Legacy Investments: Safeguard the Future

As Horizon prepares Christian leaders for the work of the Kingdom today, there are various ways to partner with us to help safeguard our mission for tomorrow.


Endowment funds can be established for a specific purpose (faculty salaries, student scholarships, etc.) or to assist with operations, and can be in honour or memory of loved ones.

Bequests & Life Insurance

The Psalmist acknowledges that mortals are but a breath; our days are like fleeting shadows (Psalm 144:4). The Kingdom of God, however, is an eternal Kingdom. Horizon is committed to continuing our Kingdom service long after all of us are gone. As you support Horizon in your lifetime, consider also including Horizon within the charitable portion of your will. Additionally, consider naming Horizon as a co-beneficiary of your life insurance policy. Your initial life-insurance investment need not be large to make a significant financial contribution to this ministry.

RRSP & RRIF Beneficiary

Name Horizon as a beneficiary of your RRSP or RRIF. In addition to benefiting you through tax breaks, this small financial investment planted today yields many times the financial fruit for Horizon tomorrow.

Please contact us for more information about making these arrangements.

Church Partners

We love partnering with local churches—it allows us to connect with potential students while also serving our churches in various ways!

Become a Church Hub

Horizon is establishing Church Hub learning centres in both rural and urban settings. Develop Christian leaders in YOUR church!

Request a Speaker

Planning your next Sunday teaching series? Mid-week adult program? Retreat? Specialized training? Consider inviting a member of our Horizon faculty to serve your church in a teaching/speaking capacity.

Sponsor Your Student

Do you have a student at your church who is studying with Horizon? Designate up to $500.00 annually to a student and the college will match your support in the next semester.

Financial Gift

Adopt a capital project, donate to our current campaign, or consider making a general donation as part of your annual church budget.

Become an Internship Church

Each year, Horizon (in partnership with our supporting district offices) places our B.Th., Diploma and BA students into the care of pastor/mentors who will guide them through an integrated internship—a highlight of our students’ academic journey. B.Th. students have 15-week placements in the winter semester; BA and Diploma students have 10 or 8-week internships during the summer semester. If you have expertise in pastoral, youth, children’s, worship and creative arts or cultural ministries, consider applying to become an internship church.

Get in touch!

For more information about these partnership opportunities for your church, please contact us.