Is Horizon the right Bible college for you?
There are lots of ways for you to spend your time and money. To find out if attending a Bible College fits your values and goals, try asking yourself these questions:
- Do I care about impacting God’s Kingdom with my life?
- Do I find myself stepping in to serve in places of need at home, at school, at church?
- Do others recognize me as a “leader” or regularly assign me responsibilities?
- Do I sense God calling me to develop my gifts and talents to better serve him?
If you answered “yes” to any of the above questions, you might want to prayerfully consider Horizon.
We’re more than a traditional Bible college
We teach the Bible as an essential part of our curriculum with a focus on what you can do with the teaching as you integrate it into your life and vocation. Our unique approach to higher education prepares Christian leaders through competency-based programming.
Our Bible College offers both undergraduate degrees, and graduate degrees.
Horizon is a Bible college devoted to advancing God’s Kingdom by helping you, as a Christian leader, develop your God-given gifts and talents to serve God competently for your entire life.
A Christian “leader” doesn’t necessarily mean a professional minister, nor is a leader necessarily the one out front. Many of our most powerful Kingdom leaders are ones serving in everyday occupations and often quietly in the background.
What others are saying…
After graduating with his one-year certificate from Horizon, Jantz followed his plan to study kinesiology at the University of Saskatchewan. Here is what he had to say about his time with us:
Studying with Horizon will equip you with essential life skills that will help you succeed in whatever job or schooling you take after your time with us.
Why is Christian education important? Hear what President Dr. Jeromey Martini has to say about it with Austin Christianson (Cornerstone Church).
If you think Horizon might be right for you then please connect with us. We’d love to chat with you.
You can also hear what Paige, one of our students, shared about her first-year Horizon experience.
Paige’s Story
“This past year I’ve been attending Horizon College & Seminary in a Bachelor’s program to become a youth pastor. I have absolutely loved every minute of it.
This education experience has been far more immersive than I could have ever imagined. Because everything that I study is centered around God, I am finding myself thinking back to my studies almost EVERY single day since I started at Horizon. I am so thankful that I am learning something that I will most definitely use in the “real world.” The Bible is the greatest textbook I’ve ever received, but there are also many beautiful minds out there that God has given revelation to. One of the greatest joys for me this year has been reading the work of godly men and women who have precious pearls of knowledge that come from a place of intimacy with God.
I know there is differing opinion in the Christian community on Biblical education… whether or not it’s actually useful, whether or not the Holy Spirit should be our only teacher, etc… But I want you all to know that through my studies, through my professors, through my textbooks, through my Bible, and through my community God has spoken to me more than I’ve ever been able to hear before! God has been so faithful to guide me through my studies; He has given me tremendous wisdom and understanding, in my head but ALSO in my HEART! I am learning so much about God, and all this learning bleeds into my relationship with him, my relationship with my family, with my church, and with my ministry.
Please believe me when I say that this education is one of the greatest things that has ever happened to me. I am so thankful for the opportunity I have been given to study. It’s actually been so great that I am choosing to continue my studies over the summer through distance learning! I am so excited to continue in my degree. God is so good and I love serving him this way. This is a season of loving the Lord with all my heart and soul and especially my MIND. May my schoolwork be as worship unto the Lord, for he is worthy of it all!”

Have you already…
“Horizon has been a brilliant experience for me. I’ve been able to continue my work [overseas] because of the ease of doing online studies.”
“I feel equipped to continue life and ministry. I wouldn’t be the person I am today if I didn’t come to Horizon.”
“The theological training I received at Horizon has enabled me to teach people the Word of God.”