Biblical Training PLUS Career Studies
The Christian Higher Education Power Combo
With Horizon Plus+, you combine biblical training for lifelong Christian living PLUS vocational training for careers and service both within and beyond the church. Customize your Christian studies or ministry preparation with approved training from a variety of educational institutions or our partner institutions!
Even if you already have certification from another institution, ask us how that might combine with one of our degree options!
Horizon Plus+ programming is available for a variety of institutions, and we are proudly in collaboration with:
Please note: Plus+ programs are not available to international students. Applicants must have citizenship or permanent residency.
Please note: The BA and BTh program designations are for students studying through Horizon. Students studying through MCS-Horizon will receive the designations BTh or BRE.

Customizable Programming
How does it work?
Horizon has 3+1, 2+2, and 2+1 programming options. This means that you can combine a number of years of study at a different institution with studies at Horizon, allowing you to blend biblical training and ministry with your goal career.
NOTE: “plus” requirements must be met within 5 years of the completion of the Horizon portion of studies.
Growing up in a pastor’s household, I had a front row seat to the many challenges that my parents faced in church leadership. I was able to see many of the unique challenges that come with pastoring, as well as the challenges that come with the business side of running a church organization. When I received my own call into vocational ministry, I was grateful to have the option of going to Red River College in Winnipeg for a two-year business diploma, which then counted fully towards my degree in Pastoral Leadership at Horizon. I am confident that this 2+2 educational route has prepared me well for many of the challenges that I will face in a pastoral role, as well as in the board room.
How does it work?
Horizon has 3+1, 2+2, and 2+1 programming options. This means that you can combine a number of years of study at a different institution with studies at Horizon, allowing you to blend biblical training and ministry with your goal career. Please note: Plus+ programs are not available to international students. Applicants must have citizenship or permanent residency.
NOTE: “plus” requirements must be met within 5 years of the completion of the Horizon portion of studies.
What path will you pursue to build and serve God’s Kingdom?
We want to help you, as a Christian leader, develop your God-given gifts and talents to serve God competently for your entire life. Being a Christian “leader” doesn’t necessarily mean a professional minister, nor is a leader necessarily the one out front. Many of our most powerful Kingdom leaders are ones serving in everyday occupations, often quietly in the background.