From the Blog2024-09-27T12:45:05-06:00

From the Blog

Inspirational and informative Christian articles written by our staff and faculty.

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Christian Higher Education and Leadership in Canada

Community Life

One of the core values at Horizon is community. This is felt in every area of life at Horizon! So how does it work? Our staff and faculty model this in their relationships with each other and provide a high level of student care and a focus on community building. [...]

3 Ways to Study with Horizon

Horizon has made some exciting moves that make Christian education more accessible than ever! If you are looking to pursue Christian leadership training, location does not have to hold you back. Below are the 3 different ways that Horizon delivers competent Christian leadership training to students, wherever they're at. [...]

Where are the leaders?

Horizon College & Seminary's Spring Newsletter, March 2023 Printable Version "The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field."(Jesus, Luke 10:2) As you read this, [...]

Working Together for Change

(Continued from Part IV) A Future for Christian Higher Education, Part V Collaborating Across the Christian Higher Education Sector There is often a spoken or assumed expectation by those outside the sector that Christian higher education institutions ought to find deeper ways to collaborate. [...]

A Look at Our Programs and Courses

Mental Health

Affordable Christian Counselling

The decision to pursue counselling can often feel overwhelming. Besides setting aside the time and emotional investment it takes to get started, the financial cost can also be a deterrent. There is a lot to consider when looking for a counsellor who is the right fit for you. We understand! [...]

Searching for Sunshine

Facing the Darkness of Grief and Loss If you've lived very long in this world, you have likely experienced the searing pain of loss and the resulting blanket of grief that descends with it. Some losses are minor and come to us through annoying circumstances: losing our [...]

It’s Good For You

Think of the last time you had a really, really good laugh. Proverbs 17:22 says a merry heart is good medicine. Is this merely a "spoon full of sugar", or is there actual scientific evidence to support this metaphor? Why, yes! Otherwise this would be a very short article. [...]

Indigenous Reconciliation

94 Calls

Forging a Path: Talk 2 Following the horrific discoveries of Indigenous children's remains found in unmarked graves around the country's residential schools, here is the next installment in a series of discussions featuring two Horizon alumni: brothers, Andrew and Jimmy Thunder. Andrew and Jimmy are Oji-Cree from Sachigo Lake [...]

94 Calls, Part II

Forging a Path: Talk 2, Part II   This is part 2 of our second talk in our series of discussions on Indigenous reconciliation and the church. In this section, Jimmy and Andrew Thunder lead us in a deeper dive into the '94 Calls to Action' looking specifically at [...]

Treaty No 1

Today marks the 150th anniversary of the signing of Treaty 1. This is not only significant for our friends in Manitoba but for all Canadians as this was the first of the eleven numbered treaties that were signed after confederation and are an important part of our history. As [...]

94 Calls, Part III

Forging a Path: Talk 2 - Part 3 This is a continuation of the second installment in our series of discussions on Indigenous reconciliation and the church. Jimmy and Andrew Thunder help us to examine Calls 59 and 60 of the '94 Calls to Action' - as directed to [...]

Keep Moving Forward

As we reflect on the '94 Calls to Action,' we want you to know that there are opportunities to continue this important learning journey. Canada has federally declared September 30 as Truth and Reconciliation Day, acknowledging our Indigenous peoples. In recognition of this day we are bringing in [...]

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