Media Centre

Sharing is caring! Here you’ll find promotional graphics and videos about the Kingdom work that Horizon is doing. Thank you for partnering with us!

Horizon College & Seminary Logo (vector)

Horizon College & Seminary Est 1935

Horizon Seminary Crest (vector)

Horizon Seminary Crest

Our Programming

MCS-Horizon Partnership

Study with Horizon at your local church

Church Hubs

Church Hubs PPT
Hubs Postcard

Follow us on social media for more shareable content!

Download Instructions

Presentation Slides (1920 x 1080, .jpg)
Once the image loads in a new tab, right click on the image and select ‘Save Image As…’ to save it to your computer. Suitable for email and powerpoint.

Posters and Postcards (Various sizes, .jpg)
Once the image loads in a new tab, right click on the image and select ‘Save Image As…’ to save it to your computer. Suitable for email and print.

Videos (Stream online or .MP4)
After you click ‘Download Video’, the download should begin automatically. Allow several minutes and then check your ‘Downloads’ folder. If you would prefer to play the video via streaming in an internet browser rather than downloading it, you can use the ‘Play Video’ link to play it in your browser.

Need more help? If there is a media file missing or you are unable to access what you need, please contact us for assistance.