Horizon College & Seminary’s Spring Newsletter, March 2023

“The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of
the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.”
(Jesus, Luke 10:2)

As you read this, the denominations partnered with Horizon are looking to fill 32 pastoral vacancies in Saskatchewan, Manitoba, and Northwestern Ontario. Each of these vacancies represents a faith community whose weekly gatherings and fellowship bear witness to the world around it that Jesus offers people another way – a way that is truth and life. When I close my eyes, I see these churches as shining stars, brightening a darkened world (Philippians 2:15-16). We need those bright lights!

The church is God’s plan for the world. That thought doesn’t always sit well with our modern, western, anti-institutional mindset, but it’s God’s truth. The church isn’t perfect – it’s full of people! – but the church is God’s plan, and the church needs leaders.

Photo credit @mathieubigard Unsplash.

Photo by @mathieubigard

Pastor Leyton Erickson and Dr. Jeromey Martini share at Ebenezer Baptist Church, Saskatoon, SK.

Recently, a local church preparing for a pastoral transition invited me to co-teach with the outgoing pastor on Paul’s instructions on good and poor church leadership. As we taught, I was struck again by what incomparably high value Paul places on a leader’s character and work in teaching God’s word. Such leaders are “worthy of double honour” (1 Timothy 5:17). Although today we sometimes favour the so-called “practical” work of ministry, for Paul there’s nothing more practical than a church shaped by a robustly biblical worldview and character. For if the church is God’s plan, then everything it says and does must flow from that (often counter-cultural) worldview.

Paul’s values remain relevant. One of the greatest threats to today’s church is unbiblical ideologies and worldviews, often clothed with Christian sentiment, welcomed into the church by well-intentioned but misguided leaders and congregants. Another is the church’s sometimes emphasis on selecting leaders based on availability and skills and charisma instead of on their robustly biblical worldview and character. The results can be disastrous.

This reinforces why we do what we do at Horizon. Our mission is to prepare competent Christian leaders, which means leaders who possess not just the skills for practical ministry, but leaders who are shaped by a robustly biblical worldview and character. As we do this, we ask for your help in two ways:

1. Prayer and encouragement – Jesus declared that his Kingdom’s harvest is plentiful, but he directed his followers to pray for harvest workers. Would you pray to the Lord of the harvest for more workers? Specifically, would you pray for students to come to Horizon to be formed in worldview and character? And would you also encourage potential students you might know to come our way?

2. Provision – Ministry takes money, and without financial support we cannot do our important work. If you’re reading this, you may be among the many who have given generously to this ministry. Thank you! For those who haven’t given (and potentially again to those who have), we invite you to partner with us financially to see God’s work here thrive. God’s plan is healthy churches, and his plan for healthy churches includes healthy leaders. Please support us at www.horizon.edu/donate.

Thank you for your support!

Dr Jeromey MartiniDr. Jeromey Martini
President, Horizon College & Seminary and Professor of New Testament Studies

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