Amma Syncletica said: “In the beginning, there is struggle and a lot of work for those who come near to God. But after that, there is indescribable joy. It is just like building a fire: at first it’s smoky and your eyes water, but later you get the desired result. Thus we ought to light the divine fire in ourselves with tears and effort.”
“Our primary calling as followers of Christ is by him, to him, and for him. First and foremost we are called to Someone (God), not to something (such as mother, politics, or teaching) or somewhere (such as the inner city or Outer Mongoli).” – Os Guinness
“Spiritual Formation is our continuous response to the reality of God’s grace shaping us into the likeness of Jesus Christ, through the work of the Holy Spirit, in the community of faith, for the sake of the world.” – Jeffrey P. Greenman and George Kalantzis
The Spiritual Formation of Leaders three-weekend course prepares Christian leaders for Spirit-empowered life and ministry by equipping them with a deeper awareness of spiritual formation, mindset formation, and formation as a life-long journey. The theoretical and experiential approach to this course will include formal instruction, participation in soul-training exercises, retreat, class discussion, interviews, and teamwork.
Photo by Earl Wilcox on Unsplash
The Course
Term Weekend Seminary Course
Sep 20-21, Oct 25-26, Nov 29-30, 2024
Fridays: 5:30 – 8:30 pm; Saturdays: 9 am-noon & 1-4 pm
Instructed by Dr. Carmen Kampman, this course focuses on the spiritual formation and development of those who are called to be leaders, but also addresses the topic of spiritual formation more broadly. Students will explore principles of spiritual formation, personal growth, and the practice of spiritual disciplines for their own lives in order to become more effective leaders and mentors.
Please note: The Saturday of the third weekend will involve a one-day retreat at Living Waters Camp Lodge.
Course Delivery Options
On Campus
Video on Demand