As Pentecostals, we believe for the big answers to prayer – the dramatic conversion of a “big sinner”, the miraculous healing of someone on their death bed, a lame person walking, or an unexpected gift of a significant cash blessing. These are all legitimate expectations but have we focused so much on the hope for the big answers to prayer or the big miracles that we don’t notice the glimpses of God’s goodness?

A recent Facebook meme talked about “glimmers”:

Glimmers are those micro moments in your day that make you feel joy, happiness, peace or gratitude. Once you train your brain to be on the lookout for glimmers, the more these tiny moments will begin to appear.

Source: Outside the Box Studio

Another blog post I read encouraged the reader to look around and notice opportunities to see God’s goodness. The author suggested things like:

  • How beautiful the sky looks today
  • How delicious your favourite meal is
  • How the warmth of the sun feels on your skin

Over the last number of years, I have tried to focus on the glimpses and glimmers of God and his goodness in my life. At a Ministry Women’s Retreat a few years ago, each woman was given a quart jar and invited to write down encouraging thoughts and put the paper in the jar – a scripture verse, an answer to prayer, an encouragement, a blessing. I have been doing this every year since that retreat. I take a small, one-inch post-it note, write down the blessing and insert it into the jar. It could be as simple as the neighbour’s cat making me laugh, to being thankful for specific friends, or having a need met.

At the end of the year, I empty the jar and copy all the notes into my journal. It is a good reminder of how God has been with me through the year and how he has blessed me. And some of the things I’d forgotten about until I reviewed it at year’s end.

Thankfulness notes

Present to God a thank offering…
Whoever presents a thank offering honors me…

Psalm 50:14, 23

When we think of offerings, we tend to think only of financial offerings and we are to be faithful in our financial gifts. It struck me recently when I read Psalm 50:23 in the New English Translation that our thanks is an offering to God too.

Are we presenting thank offerings to God?

Jar of notes
  • The sun rose again today
  • We have new life in Christ
  • The vast variety in creation is amazing
  • There is food in my cupboard
  • We can afford to live in a warm home
  • God is faithful
  • Homemade peanut butter cookies
  • The joy of the Lord
  • Friends
  • My husband and family
  • Fresh insight into familiar scripture
  • Answers to prayer – including the little requests

Are you presenting thank-offerings to God? What is on your list? How are you giving thank-offerings to God?

Posted with permission, original article from the PAOC SK Winter Newsletter, December 21, 2023.
Submitted by Elaine King, Administrator of The PAOC Saskatchewan District

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