Harry Strauss

Master of Arts in Ministry Leadership & Master of Divinity Program Coordinator

D.Min., Fuller Theological Seminary; M.Div., Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary; B.Comm., (with Distinction), University of Saskatchewan

Ministerial Credentials: Ordained with the Mennonite Brethren Conference of Canada

At Horizon since July 2018

Served as a pastor from 1979 to 2018. Ministry has taken Harry and his wife Judy to both small and large churches, in rural and in urban areas, and in differing roles. Churches served are Allan Baptist Church, Allan, Sask.; Parliament Community Church, Regina; and Forest Grove Community Church, Saskatoon.

Points of keen interest, now, and ongoing include:

  • How can we best equip the up and coming generation for life and ministry?
  • What are the contributing factors to effective preaching?
  • What does the book of Revelation say to believers in Christ?
  • What part can we play in equipping those in the second half of life in advancing the kingdom of God?

Hobbies include reading, gardening, cycling, and watching movies. A want-to-be point of engagement is learning to play the harmonica. International travel has included Japan, Hong Kong, Korea, Germany, Austria, Lithuania, Mali, Thailand, Peru, Mexico, Panama, Jordan, and Israel. With his wife Judy, Harry has been involved in taking tour groups to the Holy Land. In terms of family, four children; another three by marriage; and three grandchildren.